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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On the 30th of November 2016 this Court dismissed the application for stay of execution pending appeal filed by the Applicant. More

The background is that the respondents were employed by the appellant. A dispute arose between the parties. The dispute was that the employer sought to introduce new contracts of employment to supersede the contracts it had with the respondents. The respondents refused to sign the new contracts. The employer then decided to pay those who had agreed to sign the new contracts More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator who ruled that the respondent employees who had refused to sign new USD contracts had not repudiated their contracts and put themselves out of employment. The matter has a long and chequered history of being in the Labour Court and in the Supreme Court. The instant judgment is written out in fulfilment of a remittal order from the Supreme Court where after the Supreme Court concluded on the issue of citation it remitted the matter to this court so that the merits of the appeal could be entertained. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down by the Honourable L M Gabilo on 2 March 2012 More

This is an appeal against the award that was handed down by honourable arbitrator L M Gabilo on 16 January 2014 and 27 August 2014. More