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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 22nd June 2015 at Harare Arbitrator N.K. Nhimba issued an arbitration award. He dismissed Appellants complaints about the non-renewal of their contracts by Respondent, Appellants then appealed to this Court. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

This is an appeal against the determination of the National Employment Council for the Tobacco Industry (“NECTI”) dated 6 March 2015. The appellant was dismissed from the respondent’s employment with effect from 21 April 2011. He noted an appeal to the Works Council in October 2013. The Works Council dismissed the appeal on the basis that it was out of time. The appellant then appealed to NECTI which also dismissed the appeal for the same reason. The appellant approached this court seeking condonation of late noting of appeal at the Works Council. This court declined jurisdiction and dismissed the application. More

This is a Chamber Application for condonation of late noting of an appeal. The Applicant was dismissed from the Respondent’s employ with effect from the 21st of April 2011. The Applicant noted an appeal with the Works Council in October 2013. The Works Council dismissed the appeal on the basis that it was out of time. In terms of Statutory Instrument 322 of 1996 (Collective Bargaining Agreement: Tobacco Industry Code of Conduct) Part VII section 23 (2) an appeal should be noted within five working days of the letter of dismissal. The Applicant then appealed to the National Employment Council... More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. His grounds of appeal complained that, “1. The Appellant was not accorded a fair hearing at the work place and in particular the Respondent refused/neglected to release key witnesses. The disciplinary proceedings were heavily, flawed and the principles of natural justice and fairness were not adhered to. The Appellant did not receive adequate training and was not given proper induction. The decision to dismiss the Appellant is too harsh in the circumstances. 4) The Applicant (sic) was not afforded an opportunity to address the disciplinary committee in mitigation.” More

This is an appeal against a determination by the Chief Designated Agent of the Negotiating Committee of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe( NECCSZ) which set aside a decision of the Local Joint Committee (of the NECCSZ) and ordered the appellant to reinstate the respondent with no loss of salary or benefits. This aggrieved the appellant leading to the present appeal . Three grounds of appeal are raised. These are that (i) the Negotiating Committee erred and misdirected itself in finding that the respondent was not dishonest and yet it was proven that he had deliberately... More