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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on12 February 2013, in terms of which it was ruled that the respondent was unfairly dismissed, and should be reinstated to his employment with the respondent. More

This is a matter in which the applicant was wrongfully dismissed from the respondent’s employ. This Court ordered that the applicant be reinstated or alternatively that the respondent, awarded the applicant the appropriate damages in lieu of reinstatement. The respondent did not reinstate the applicant. The parties failed to agree and the parties approached the Court for quantification of damages. More

MUCHAWA P,: This is an application for quantification of damages pursuant to an earlier order of this Honourable Court which ordered Applicant’s reinstatement to his position of General Manager with Respondent. In the event that reinstatement was no longer possible, Respondent was ordered to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. Parties could not agree on the quantum and have referred back the issue to this Court. This is now the matter before us. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. The record was erroneously kept in the registry instead of it being referred for consideration of judgment. Hence while the matter was heard in October 2012, the judgment is only being considered in January 2013. The confusion regarding the movement of the record is regretted More

This is an application for rescission of judgment issued in default against the applicant on 15 April 2015. The Respondent opposed the application and raised preliminary objections that: 1. The application is totally defective for non-compliance with the Rules of this court in that applicant has adopted an incorrect form and; 2. The application is out of time. More