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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued on 28 October 2010 in the following terms; “That the claimant be paid damages of 3 years using the salary rate obtaining when he was unfairly dismissed.” The appellant was employed by the respondent as a Senior Designated Agent until June 2007 when he was dismissed. More

Applicant applied for “reinstating my appeal on grievances.” Respondent opposed the application. The application was not in the proper form. More

This is a purported application for condonation for late noting an application for review. It is opposed. I say “purported” for the following reason. This Court in Judgment Number LC/H/144/22 handed down on 3rd June 2022 determined a matter between the parties. The applicant has not appealed that judgment to the Supreme Court. Instead he has approached this Court for “review”. The application is opposed with counsel for the respondent arguing that not only does the Court lack jurisdiction to review its own judgment, but the application is frivolous and vexatious. More

On the 13th of March the parties were in court on an appeal by the applicant. The respondent raised a preliminary point to the effect that the right to appeal was prescribed as has been decided in Patrick Munjovha v Delta Beverages (Pvt) Ltd SC 64/21. The appellant conceded the point and the appeal was struck off. (In hindsight it should have been dismissed. The order was uploaded the following day, the 14th. More

At the hearing of this matter counsel for the respondent raised two points in limine which are the subject of this judgment. The applicant is seeking condonation of late noting of appeal and the extension of time within which to note an appeal. The founding affidavit is deposed to by the applicant’s wife. She states that she was authorised by a power of attorney dated 25 February 2016. The points in limine are: More