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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The factual background of this matter is generally common cause. It is this:- - that Appellant was engaged on a renewable 3 month fixed term contract. After every 3 months the contract will be renewed. - that upon its termination on 31st July 2011 Appellant had been in Respondent’s employ for 11 continuous years on the same terms and conditions of 3 months fixed term contracts. - that Appellant was given a verbal 5 minutes notice of termination. Aggrieved by the Respondent’s non-renewal of his contract, Appellant approached the Designated Agent (D/A) who issued a certificate of no settlement. More

On 20th December 2010 the Honourable P Shawatu made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he ordered Appellant to reinstate Respondents’ employment or alternatively to pay them damages for loss of employment. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. Respondent is an employee of the appellant. He is currently employed as an assistant accountant having been initially engaged as a creditors clerk in July 1997. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which was handed down in default of the appellant. The arbitrator observed in his award that the respondent did not attend the hearing in spite of having been duly notified to do so and that no reasons for non attendance were communicated. The respondent, who had been employed by the appellant as a general hand, had been dismissed on 21 May 2013 on allegations of using abusive language and absenteeism. Upon appeal to the Local Joint Committee, the respondent had been reinstated without loss of salary and benefits. Aggrieved, the appellant lodged... More

Appellant was employed by Respondent as the Head of Client Services. She was employed with effect from 3rd January 2012 until 13th December 2013 when she was served with a letter of instant dismissal. Following a challenge to that initial dismissal through her lawyers’ correspondence, Respondent withdrew the dismissal by a letter of the 20th December 2013. She was invited back to work effective from 6th January 2014. Upon her return she was served with a letter of suspension and was charged of the misconduct of “any act of conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfillment of the employee’s contract... More