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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for condonation of the late filing of an appeal. At the commencement of the oral submissions, Ms Matongwana raised preliminary issues relating to the filing of documents by the Respondent. She stated that Respondent’s legal practitioners had not filed an Assumption of Agency as prescribed by the Rules. She also stated that the Respondent had filed the heads of argument two (2) days after the due date and had not applied for condonation. In response, Ms Mangoi stated that due the new system of filing of documents on the IECMS platform, Respondent only realized on perusal... More

On 17 November 2022, this Court issued an Ex Tempore judgment granting condonation to Respondent to file an appeal before this Court. Applicant is dissatisfied with the decision and intends to approach the Supreme Court on appeal. More

This is an application for review by Madziva (Applicant). The document that gave rise to this application is a response (THE RESPONSE) dated 13th February, 2014 by the Respondent’s human Resources Officer to Applicant’s legal practitioner’s notice of appeal dated 11th February, 2014 and addressed to Applicant’s legal practitioners. More

At the hearing of an application for review I reserved my ruling on points in limine raised by the respondent. This is it. The agreed facts are that the applicant was employed by the respondent as a staff bus driver on a three months fixed term contract with effect from 15 January 2014. The last such contract signed by the parties was from 1 July 2014 to 31 September 2014. No contract was signed on 1 October until 9 December when the respondent approached the applicant to sign a new contract. More

This is an application for review against the proceedings of the Respondent’s disciplinary committee that was conducted on 14 September 2022.The applicant was subsequently dismissed on 15 September 2022 More