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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On the 4th September, 2015 an arbitral award was issued against Applicant in which it was ordered to remit to Respondent an amount of $7 335.32 as union dues. Applicant filed an appeal against this award. It has filed this application for interim relief seeking in the interim that the arbitral award be stayed pending finalisation of its appeal and as a final order, that the award be stayed permanently. In agreement with the Respondent’s submission, I find that the final order being sought is incompetent and therefore cannot be granted, as it has the effect allowing the appeal before... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The respondent is a registered trade union in terms of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. It represents employees in the rural district councils of Zimbabwe. The appellant is a rural district council incorporated in terms of the Rural District Council Act [Chapter 29:13]. The claim brought by the respondent before the arbitrator was for union dues arrears for the period July 2014 to April 2015 together with 15% interest on all dues paid after the 5th day of the ensuing month. The arbitrator found for the respondent and ordered that the appellant... More

The brief facts of the case are that the respondent who was on “fixed term contract of employment with the appellant approached the GDC after he had failed to recover value for the days which he says he had accrued at the respondent’s. Based on the evidence presented before it both oral and written the GDC ruled that indeed the employee had made out a good case for payment for the days he had accrued when he was still in the appellant’s employment. To that end the GDC ordered the appellant to pay the respondent for those days More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The first and second respondents are former employees of the appellant. They were employed in the capacities of shift manager and factory manager respectively on fixed term contracts. Such contracts were for a two year period. The last contracts ran from the 1st of April 2012 to the 31st of March 2014. More

The brief background of the matter is that the appellant is employed by the respondent. He was employed at the Mazowe Catchment as Loss Control Officer from 16 October 2006 to August 2011. It has been submitted that his duties involved safeguarding and protecting ZINWA resources from damages, theft and any other potential losses and hazards. It is alleged that in April 2011 during the Easter Holiday the appellant went to Goromonzi Water Supply Station and took away some pipes belonging to ZINWA without authority from his superiors. By then he was on study leave. It has also been submitted... More