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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was employed by the respondent as a teacher at Madziwa Mine Secondary School. Following allegations of improper association with two female students, appellant was charged in terms of paragraphs 4, 7 and 24 of schedule (1) of the Public Service Regulations, Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000. Appellant was found liable for improper association with one of the students and in respect of the second student he was found not liable. Appellant was discharged from service. Appellant then noted an appeal to this court. I will address the student as the complainant for convenience. More

This is an appeal against the determination of the Respondent’s Disciplinary and Grievance Committee, the “Committee” More

The facts which gave rise to the dispute between the parties are common cause and these are that: The appellant was employed by Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) as a senior clerical officer Grade 11. She stopped reporting for duty in May 2008 and the employer Zinwa stopped paying her salary. In 2009 there was a government directive that water management functions be re-transferred to local authorities with effect from 1 February 2009.At that time Zinwaemployees were re-transferred to the respondent, City of Harare. In June 2010 the appellant wrote a letter to the respondent’s Human Resources Manager, to the... More

HOVE J: The Appellant alleges that he was employed in 2002 as an Investigation Officer. In 2005 he was moved to Operations were he was promoted to Area Controller doing managerial duties. More

The appeal was noted against the decision of the Respondent National Hearing Committee which on the 28th February 2011 upheld the decision of the Regional Hearing Committee and confirmed the termination of Appellant’s contract of employment with effect from 11th November, 2010. The background facts are as follows; The Appellant was employed by the Respondent as a Technician Assistant in its Operations and Engineering Report – based at Chatsworth Exchange. Appellant was suspended without pay on the 26th October 2010 on allegations that he and two others had removed an air conditioner (serial number provided) from Chatsworth Exchange to a... More