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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for review. The applicant was employed by the 2nd respondent in 2007. On 7 August 2013, the applicant was transferred to New Ambassador Hotel as an acting Front Office Manager. The appellant submitted that the substantive front office manager had then been suspended on allegations of various acts of misconduct. More

This matter was set down as an appeal against the arbitrator’s decision where he refused to hear the appellant employer’s rescission of judgment application on account of the fact that it had instituted multiple proceedings and such was contrary to the spirit of the law. More

This is an appeal against the decision of Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee, in terms of which Appellant was found guilty of misconduct and dismissed from employment. More

Respondent has raised a point in limine to the effect that Appellant has approached this Court with dirty hands it having not complied with the award nor made an application in terms of Section 92E (3) of the Labour Act. More

Halwick Investments (Pvt) Ltd the employer is seeking leave to appeal against the order which struck off its matter from the roll. Samson Geti the employee is opposed to the grant of the leave relief. Sadly Mr Geti has not complied with the rules of court by not filing heads of argument. He is thus barred in the matter. He however seeks from the bar that the bar operating against him be uplifted. He cites administration glitches as the excuse for his non compliance. More