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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s appeals committee which upheld a decision to dismiss appellant from its(respondent’s) employ. More

The appellant appeals against the decision of an arbitrator which ordered that appellant pay salaries to the respondent for the period January 2014 to 27 August 2014. More

On 10th February 2012 the Honourable G Fereshi made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he ordered Appellant to pay Respondent an amount of $11 520 as “arrear rentals and school fees due to him.” Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. More

This is an appeal from an arbitral award handed down on 16 September 2014, in terms of which the appellant was ordered to reinstate the respondents or pay them damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling by a labour officer. The application is in terms of section 93(5a) and (5b) of the Labour Act, [Chapter 28:01]. (The Act). The application arises from a ruling where the 2nd respondent claimed that he had constructively been unlawfully dismissed. He sought to be paid damages thereof and terminal benefits. The claim of constructive dismissal was dismissed. However he was awarded terminal benefits of payment for leave days. Although he had claimed 43, 46 leave days he was granted 33, 95 as said to be admitted by the 1st respondent, the... More