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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for late noting of review of the alleged dismissal from employment by the respondent. It is alleged that they were dismissed from employment in January 2011. There is no decision by the Tribunal to be reviewed. There was no hearing that was conducted at the work place. They were just informed by the headmaster that their services were no longer required by the school. There is no decision to be reviewed in this case. Parties should follow other channels, to redress their grievance. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of this Court dated 15 February 2014. The respondent has raised a point in limine by stating that the applicant is not properly before this Court as he has not complied with Rule 14 as read with section 89 (2) (d) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] Form LC1. More

The present matter is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 22November 2010 by the Honourable Dr. N. T.Sambureni. More

This is an appeal following a determination by a designated agent (DA) dismissing the appellant’s claim for constructive dismissal by the respondent. The appellant was employed by the respondent initially as a demonstrator. He was later elevated to the position of sales representative. The record shows that on 12th December 2022 the respondent made a decision to retrench the appellant More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of appeal. For such an application to succeed, applicant has to; 1) Reasonably explain the delay and 2) Show that he has prospects of success on appeal. Applicant submitted that he was not aware of the time frame within which to note his appeal. He also submitted that he did not have the financial resources to get in touch with his worker representative. The above reasons do not constitute reasonable explanation for the delay. The Applicant received the determination in November 2011. He failed to file his appeal his appeal within... More