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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In a judgment No LC/H/255/19 delivered on the 9th August, 2019, I upheld respondent’s point in limine, to the effect that applicant’s appeal was improperly before the Court as applicant had not exhausted the internal remedies provided in terms of section 8(b) of the Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 (THE NATIONAL CODE). Consequently I struck off the appeal for having been prematurely brought before the Court. More

This an application for stay of execution of an arbitral award handed down by Arbitrator E.F. Chitsa. Applicant alleges that pending the appeal lodged with this Court, Respondent’s actions to execute the judgment be stayed. What is interesting to note is that Respondent has partly executed the judgment and Applicant had to offer security which was lodged with Respondent’s legal practitioners. More

The respondents are former employees of the appellant. The borne of contention is the classification of the appellant as to which National Employment Council (NEC) it belongs for a proper determination of the respondents grades and salaries. The respondents’ contracts of employment were terminated in March 2015. A dispute ensued as to whether the termination was lawful. The parties eventually settled the matter before a conciliator. The respondents’ terminal benefits were paid. More

This is an application for rescission of Judgment granted by this court on 29 July 2013 dismissing the applicants’ appeal. On 8 January 2014the applicants applied for rescission of the default order. The factors to be considered in an application such as this one are; • length of delay in applying for rescission. • reasons for the default. • prospects of success, and balance of convenience. More

The following factual background is common cause:- - that Appellant had been in Respondent’s employ for 16 years and at the time the issue giving rise to this appeal arose, he was based at Respondent’s Marondera branch. - that on or before the 16th May 2011 Appellant and Respondent’s General Manager Mr Madovi had some discussion which led to Appellant verbally tendering his resignation from Respondent’s employ - that on the 16th May 2011 Appellant reduced the verbal resignation into writing. - that on the same day the 16th May 2011 the General Manager Mr Madovi went to Marondera where... More