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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Committee issued on 20 April 2015. Appellant was employed by respondent as a messenger based at Bindura. He was suspended from duty following allegations of converting or attempting to convert respondent’s monies to his own use. He was arraigned before a Disciplinary Committee and was convicted. After conviction a dismissal penalty was imposed. Appellant was aggrieved and lodged an internal appeal which was not successful More

The applicant in casu seeks leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against this Court’s Judgement which dismissed his appeal. The application for leave to appeal was opposed. The respondent argued that the applicant’s grounds of appeal do not raise any questions of law. Further, the application was resisted on the basis that the intended grounds of appeal were not concise and that they were long and rumbling. More

The Appellant was employed as a bread transfer officer at the time of the offence; He was the Acting Supervisor. He collected 3 600 loaves of bread from Simon Mazorodze bakery for transfer to Lytton Road bakery. The van was later found to have 3 200 loaves of bread and the paperwork was altered to read 3 200 loaves. In addition, the Appellant did not complete his shift paper by appending his signature to the documents. More

This is an appeal against the decision of a Disciplinary Committee constituted by the Respondent, in terms of which the Appellant was dismissed from employment for breaching his contract of employment and conditions of service. The facts that gave rise to the dismissal, briefly outlined, are as follows: The Appellant was employed by the Respondent as Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Sales Engineer. The Respondent is a company engaged in the business of procuring and distributing petroleum products, which include LPG. More

This is an appeal against the decision of a Disciplinary Committee constituted by the Respondent, in terms of which the Appellant was dismissed from employment for breaching his contract of employment and conditions of service. More