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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for quantification of back pay and damages in lieu of reinstatement. On 17 June 2015 this court allowed an appeal by the applicant in default of the respondent’s appearance. The court ordered the respondent to reinstate the applicant to her original position without loss of salary and benefits with effect from the date of unlawful dismissal. In the event that reinstatement was no longer tenable the respondent was to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement the quantum of which was to be agreed upon by the parties failing which either party could approach the court for... More

This is an ex-parteapplication for an urgent hearing of an appeal filed on 21 February 2014. Applicants were employed by Respondent. It is alleged that Respondent sought to unilaterally transfer them to National Eye Security (Pvt) Ltd without compliance with section 16 of the Labour Act. The transfer was challenged before an Arbitrator who quashed it and ordered Respondent to reinstate Appellants or pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. Respondent appealed but the appeal was dismissed with costs on a higher scale on 11 July 2012. More

This judgment addresses the points in limine raised by the appellant and by the respondent at the commencement of the hearing of the main merits of the appeal. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent company’s disciplinary hearing committee which dismissed the appellant from its employment on allegations that he had contravened the industry Code of Conduct, in particular that he had wilfully disobeyed a lawful order. More

At the conclusion of the hearing in this matter, the appeal was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. More