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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against the decision of a senior designated agent of the National Employment Council for the commercial sectors (NECCS). More

This is an application for review of the Respondent’s Appeals Committee’s decision to confirm applicant’s dismissal. More

On the 10th December, 2012 Respondent filed a notice of appeal in this court against an arbitral award which was issued on the 18th November, 2012. The notice of appeal (LC3) and notice by Registrar (LC2) were served on and received by the Appellant’s legal practitioners on the same date at 15.45 hours. More

Appellant appealed against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. His papers complained about both procedure and the merits. Respondent opposed the appeal. However in the course of oral argument, Respondent made two concessions. Firstly it abandoned its argument based on the distinction between an appeal and a review. It was obvious that Appellant intended to file an appeal-cum-review. As a lay person, he could not be expected to draft his papers with the precision of an attorney. On that basis, I consider Respondent’s concession as well-made. Respondent also conceded that the charge of assault had not been sustained. This was... More

At the onset of oral argument in this Court Respondent raised 3 (three) points in limine which the Applicant opposed. The Court shall deal with the points ad seriatim. More