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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
MUZOFA, J: The two appellants were employed on fixed term contract in different capacities by the respondent. Upon termination of their contracts a dispute arose in the computation of their terminal benefits. The appellants referred the dispute to a labour officer and subsequently the matter went before an arbitrator. The arbitrator after considering the evidence before him, the first respondent was awarded a total sum of $718.45 and second respondent $790.93. Both have appealed. The grounds of appeal impugn the arbitrator’s findings in respect of cash in lieu of leave and overtime payment. More

appeal. At the commencement of the proceedings, respondent raised a point in limine. It was submitted that Marange Resources Security Employees (hereinafter MRSE) was not a party to the proceedings. It was further argued that there was no nexus between Marange Resources Security Employees and the employees before the Court. It was further stated that an entity without legal status cannot institute legal proceedings. Respondent further submitted that Marange Resources Security Employees was incapable of instituting labour proceedings. More

On 11th July 2016 Applicant filed in this Court an application “for quantification of damages”. Respondent opposed the application. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a driver. He was dismissed following disciplinary proceedings for: ‘falsification of records and or writing false information onto Authority documents.’ This is a violation of the applicable code of conduct. The brief facts of the matter are as follows: The appellant in his capacity as a driver was asked to get a quotation for repairing a bumper of a certain damaged vehicle. He got the instruction from a Mr Mandihlare. The instruction was to the effect that once he got a quotation which was below one hundred USD(USD 100.00), he could leave... More

The appellant was employed as a driver by the respondent. Allegations of theft were raised against him and he was found guilty and dismissed. This appeal is against conviction. More