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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The appellant was employed by the respondent on monthly fixed term contracts as a rigger for a period spanning two years. The last such contract expired on 31 August 2010. This was then replaced with a contract running from the 1 to 5 September 2010. This last contract was not renewed. More

This is an application for quantification of damages. The parties appeared before me on 2 September 2013. The matter was postponed to enable parties to pursue the possibility of an out of court settlement. In that hearing Counsel for the respondent had an offer of nine thousand US dollars (US$9 000.) which the applicant was to consider. Counsel for the applicant indicated that they needed time to consider how payment was going to be done. More

On the 8th of December 2015, Manyangadze J issued a judgment in which the Honourable Judge considered whether or not Appellant’s dismissal from Respondent’s employ by the National Executive was lawful. More

Applicant applied for the review of arbitration proceedings conducted by 2nd Respondent. 1st Respondent opposed the application. Applicant’s case was based on grounds of procedural irregularities and irrationality of the decision made. More

This judgment only addresses the point in limine which was raised by the respondent employer. The point was to the effect that there is no respondent in the matter. This is so since applicant employee cited the respondent irregularly by mixing its name together with that of the holding company in the same pleadings. More