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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the onset of the review application the applicant raised the point in limine stating that there is no opposition to the review application on account of the fact that the opposing affidavit was deposed to by a person who did not file with the court a board resolution indicating that he is authorised to depose to the affidavit. More

Applicant states that she was placed on indefinite suspension if one has regard to the time it took the respondent to conclude her matters. It is her view that such conduct was in breach of section 6(2) (b) of the National Code which is imperative that the disciplinary proceedings if commenced should be concluded within 14 days. In response to this the respondent argued that applicant was the author of her own misfortune in that she delayed in availing the documents which were needed to conclude the audit. A reading of the record however shows that the whole delay could... More

This is an appeal against the quantification proceedings of the NEC Disciplinary Committee. More

At the end of hearing the partiesarguments we dismissed the appeal in its entirety with costs, and indicated that our reasons would follow in due course. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court by Jonathan Tavarwisa (Applicant). In terms of Rule 36 of the Labour Court Rules SI 59/2006 (The Rules) a party wishing to appeal to the Supreme Court against a Labour Court decision, shall file an application for leave to appeal with the Labour Court within 30 days of the date of the judgment to be appealed against. More