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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant was employed as a Finance Manager and Director for 18 years. He was charged with Misconduct and was dismissed from employment in February 2013. He appealed against the dismissal and Honourable arbitrator W T Pasipanodya ruled in his favour. The applicant then appeared before Honourable TC Sengwe for quantification of damages. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. The judgment sought to be appealed against was handed down on the 30th of October,2015. After listening to arguments and upon consideration of the papers in the record I am satisfied that the application for leave to appeal ought to be dismissed. My reasons are basically as follows: Firstly, the Applicant has failed to comply with the accepted practice that in an application for leave to appeal an Applicant must attach the proposed Notice of Appeal setting out the grounds on which he/she proposes to appeal. There are... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent based in Bulawayo. He was dismissed from employment for being absent without authority and dishonesty. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Human Resources Development Committee (“HRDC”) to dismiss her from employment. More

This is an application for rescission of a judgment which was granted in default (in chambers) on 5th August 2011 and the reasons were handed down in February 2012. The matter was dealt with as an unopposed matter. This was because opposition papers which were timeously served by the applicants on the respondent were not on record. The matter should have been clearly an opposed matter. The judgment was granted in error. The applicant was therefore not in wilful default. More