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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for review. The applicants are teachers at various schools in Harare. At the beginning of 2016, in January, applicants received letters requiring them to transfer to respective schools within Harare Province. The letters informed the applicants that these transfers were with immediate effect. Applicants aver that there was no legitimate reason given for the orders to transfer except to state that there was overstaffing at the schools concerned. It was further alleged that these transfers were not planned as provided in section 13 (3) of the Public Service Regulations, Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000. Applicants alleged... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The appellant had a business contract with International Organization for Migration (IOM) to provide catering and cleaning services. To facilitate execution of such contract, the appellant employed the respondents who carried out the services. They were employed for the period September 2011 to December 2013 as general workers. When the employment relationship was terminated, the respondents lodged a claim for three months’ notice pay each. Their salaries had been $150-00 each. More

Appellant worked for Respondent as a Truck Driver. He was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held. On 19 December 2013 a disciplinary committee (DC) found him not guilty. The complainant appealed. On 14 January 2014 Respondent’s Managing Director (MD) allowed the appeal. He set aside the determination of the DC and proceeded to dismiss Appellant. The latter then appealed to this Court against his dismissal. The appeal raised both procedural and substantive issues. More

At the hearing of this matter Respondent raised a point in limine that Applicant had instituted parallel proceedings in the High Court under case number HC-5110/14. The said proceedings in the High Court were actually set down for 1600 hours on the same day. Respondent argued that Applicant was seeking before the High Court the same relief sought before this Court. Mr. Mushoriwa denied that there were parallel proceedings in the High Court. He argued that the parties are different as the applicant before the High Court is Kadoma City Council. He also argued that the relief sought is different... More

The respondent filed a complaint of unlawful termination of his contract of employment and this was allegedly done without the applicant following any procedures. The appellant’s version of what transpired is very different. It alleges that the employee went absent without official leave in June 2020. The appellant denies ever terminating the respondent’s contract of employment. More