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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the onset of oral argument, the respondent withdrew her objection to the appellant’s Supplementary Grounds of Appeal. These concisely set out the appellant’s case as follows: More

On the 28th April, 2016, Applicant who is a Designated Agent for the National Employment Council for the Printing Packaging and Newspaper Industry made a ruling in a dispute pitting L. Chigogora and 11 Others and Respondent. The issue in dispute was non-payment of compensation package arising from the termination of their contracts of employment on three months notice in October 2015. In compliance with section 93(5) of the Labour Act as amended, Applicant filed an application for confirmation of her ruling by this Court. On the 22nd July, 2016 this Court sat to deal with the application. The application... More

This is a counter application by the respondent for referral of certain constitutional issues to the Constitutional Court, in terms of section 175 (4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 (“The Constitution”). More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award granted on 7 July 2014, in terms of which the respondent was ordered to pay the appellant certain amounts of money in fulfilment of a retrenchment package approved by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare (the Minister). The arbitral award also disallowed certain items that had been approved in the retrenchment package. Dissatisfied with the amounts awarded and the disallowances made by the arbitrator, the appellant lodged an appeal with this court. More

Appellant has appealed to this court against the decision of the respondent employer’s Appeals Committee which upheld his dismissal in a case where he was found guilty of falsifying records, forgery and fraud in contravention of the Zimbabwe Parks Wildlife Management Authority Code of Conduct. More