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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appeal was noted as against an arbitral award dated 27 January, 2015 the operative part of which reads as follows; “AWARD” “Wherefore after carefully analysing the facts and law, I make the following award That the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal is hereby rejected.” More

This is an appeal against a determination of the second respondent dismissing the appellant’s claim for underpayment by the 1st respondent. The appellant also filed a review against the 2nd respondent’s determination. The matters are unopposed. I have written this judgment simply to clarify the provisions of the relevant rule of this Court. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in respect to one Sikirwai Gandi and Milestone Academy (MA). The arbitrator’s terms of reference were to determine whether or not the termination of the respondent’s contract of employment was lawful, the amount of salary arrears and the appropriate remedy. The arbitrator found that the termination was unlawful and that Milestone Academy owed the respondent arrear salaries in the amount of $6 976-40. He ordered that the respondent be reinstated or alternatively that he be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement. Before this court, a party known as Keith Robin Mungoshi filed... More

Applicant was employed by 1st Respondent as its Accounts Clerk. Applicant was suspended in June 2006 over allegations of misappropriation of funds and incompetence. The matter only saw the light of day when a report was made to the Labour Officer culminating in arbitration where the Arbitrator found in favour of applicant. Respondent appealed to this Court and in her judgment dated 27 September 2013 Justice Hove ordered that the matter be referred to the employer to hold a hearing within specified periods of time. More

The appellant seeks to appeal against an administrative decision by the employer not to proceed with his hearing after his resignation. Such an appeal if any cannot be made to this honourable court in terms of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct (S.I.42/2022) only allows an appeal to lie to this honourable court against a decision of an appeals authority in determining a decision of a disciplinary committee. More