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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant was employed by the respondent as a Property Consultant. He was charged with lack of skill or knowledge which the employee expressly or by implication holds himself to possess on 7 February 2012. A disciplinary hearing was held on 20 and 21 February 2012. Applicant raised a number of preliminary points which were dismissed by the hearing officer. The hearing proceeded and applicant was found guilty as charged and dismissed from employment. On 27 March 2012 he noted an appeal against the dismissal. At the same time applicant applied for the review of the decision of the Appeals Authority... More

The Appellant is appealing against the decision of Respondent to dismiss him from employment. The grounds of appeal are that; (i) Appellant was on acknowledged indefinite sick leave from 29 September 2008. (ii) The disciplinary hearing was conducted on the 12th of December 2008 in his absence. (iii) Appellant was never notified of the charges or hearing. (iv) The dispute was a result and continuation of the unfair labour practices perpetrated against Appellant by Respondent since 2006. (v) Appellant wishes to have his case LC/H/823/12 and LC/REV/59A/11 consolidated. More

Applicant applied for review of his transfer by Respondent from Karoi to Rushinga. The transfer was the result of disciplinary proceedings. Applicant had been charged with misconduct. More

In March 2009 parties in this matter appeared before the Labour Court in an application for quantification of damages due to the applicant for unlawful dismissal. The court issued an order whose relevant portion reads: 1. The respondent asked for the matter to be withdrawn from the roll as they are negotiating a possible settlement. 2. Should either party wish to resuscitate this application they can do so by writing to the Registrar. More

This matter was set down for hearing on 14 November 2013. At the commencement of the hearing Applicant’s legal practitioner made an application for postponement of the matter. The basis for her application was that she was not the one dealing with the matter and had been instructed to seek a postponement. One Chiwashira from the same law firm was dealing with the matter and was ill. She tendered a medical certificate from Doctor L.T. Matanhike which indicated that Fungai Chiwashira had been granted off duty from 13 November 2013 to 14 November 2013. More