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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Appellant was employed by the Respondent as a Senior School Teacher. On the 2nd of March, 2009 he was suspended on allegations of having an act of misconduct viz paragraph 4 “Improper threatening and discourteous behavior including sexual harassment during course of duty.” The allegations were that he had requested a Sandra Maranike, a Form 6 student at the school to carry commerce exercise books and accompany him to his house. When they got to the house he allegedly detained Sandra by locking the dining room door and pocketing the keys. He had then dragged Sandra into his bedroom,... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the designated agent who found that appellant was guilty of habitual neglect of his duties and penalised him with dismissal. Facts of the matter are that appellant was accused of habitual neglect of duty where it was said that he was in the habit of taking sick time off and upon expiration of the sick leave he would not come back to work thus prejudicing the operations of the respondent where the appellant’s duties involved team work with a colleague who would end up working alone in appellant’s absence to the detriment... More

Appellant worked for Respondent as an Administration Assistant based in Harare. On 25th October 2005 he was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held. He was found guilty and penalised with dismissal. He appealed against the outcome. Respondent’s Appeals Committee dismissed the appeal. He then appealed to this Court against the decision of the Appeals Committee. More

The allegations against respondent were that on 6 September 2013 whilst respondent and her co-custodian, one Precious Chataika were preparing deposits from CCD, they had discovered an excess withdrawal of USD10 000 from the vault. This amount subsequently disappeared causing loss to the bank. Respondent was alleged to have failed to comply with standing instructions in that, - She withdrew cash from the vault in an unlocked and unsealed container. - She did not pack, lock and seal the cash withdrawn from cash vault whilst in a secure and safe place that is in the cash vault. - She did... More

The brief history of this matter is that the Appellant was employed by the Respondent was voluntarily retrenched. She signed for the package in 2010. On the 8th of November 2012 she then raised a complaint with the Provincial Labour Officer stating that the Respondent owed her some money as there were several discrepancies’ in the retrenchment payments. The matter was referred for arbitration to Honourable C.H. Mucheche who handed down the following award on the 21st of February 2013. More