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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appeal was noted against an arbitral award handed down on 14 July 2014. The appeal is opposed More

The facts in this case are largely common cause. Respondent was employed by the appellant. Following respondent’s termination of employment by appellant, the dispute between the parties ended up in arbitration. The issue before the arbitrator was to determine whether respondent was owed by the appellant in unpaid salaries. The arbitrator found in favour of the respondent. Appellant has appealed to this court. More

It is a common cause between the parties that after the decision was handed down in August of 2021 the appellant filed an appeal in the Labour Court. That appeal was never prosecuted to its finality. They responded argue that the appeal is still pending before the labor Court but the appellant argued that it was abandoned More

This is a matter where the respondent conceded before me that there were procedural irregularities in the manner the disciplinary hearing has been conducted though they did not file any response or heads of argument. More

This is an application for condonation for late filing of an application for rescission of default judgment that was granted by this court on 19 March 2015. It was granted in terms of Rule 22. The applicant failed to give a reasonable explanation for failing to file a response to the appeal that had been filed by the respondents. More