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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The following are the grounds of appeal and I quote: 1. ‘The Tribunal a quo erred and misdirected itself on a point of law in failing to appreciate that the essential elements of the offence of embezzlement had not been proven. More

On the 13th July 2020 this court handed down an order dismissing the appeal filed in this matter. The appeal was against an arbitral award handed down on 26th of August, 2014in which Hon H.T. Pasipanodya found that the Appellant’s claim for unlawful dismissal was not justified and therefore the dismissal penalty had been properly imposed. The appeal was opposed. I apologise sincerely to the parties for the delay in writing the judgement. I fell ill in 2017 and delayed in the delivery of many judgements this one included. The following constitute my reasons for the judgement in the matter. More

The matter was placed before me as one for quantification of damages pursuant to an order by the Labour Court granted on 20 January, 2006 the operative part of which reads as follows; In the result the appeal is dismissed the decision appealed against is hereby confirmed. Save to add that should reinstatement no longer be an option, CABS is ordered to pay Rugwete her back pay and benefits with interest plus damages for loss of employment. Should the parties fail to agree on the damages payable, either party can approach this court for quantification More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling made by the applicant in a matter between the respondent and its former employee, one Tendai Fortune Chiremba (hereinafter referred to as the claimant.) More

The 2nd Respondent was employed by the 1st Respondent on a fixed term contract for 5 years as a public safety director. When the parties entered into this fixed term contract, the 2nd Respondent worked for only 27.5 months and the employer terminated the contract. The agreement was that the 2nd Respondent was engaged for a fixed period of 5 years. More