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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the confirmation of a draft ruling by the applicant in terms of Section 93 of the Labour Act [ Chapter 28:01] (the Act). The applicant in casu presided over the quantification of amounts claimed by the employees from their employer, the 1st responded. More

This is an application for Labour Officer Lilford Nhandara that was made on 1st November 2019. In his ruling the Labour Officer ordered the first Respondent to pay the 2nd Respondent (claimant) a total sumof USD883 299-63 arising from damages in lieu of reinstatement and cash in lieu of leave days within 60 days from this order. The brief history of the matter is that this application is coming to this court after the draft ruling by the Labour Officer was confirmed by this court under judgment LC/H/426/18. In this judgment Honourable Judge Kudya ordered as follows; More

This is an appeal against a determination by the Respondents’ Chief Executive Officer sitting in his capacity as an Appeals Authority. The determination which was handed down on 3rd of June, 2020, in its operative part, dismissed the appeal noted by the now Appellant against the determination of the disciplinary committee. Secondly, the appeals authority upheld a cross appeal by the now Respondent, thereby setting aside the lesser penalty imposed by the respondents’ Disciplinary Committee and substituting it with a heavier penalty of dismissal from respondent’s employment with immediate effect. The Respondent was also directed to recover from the Appellant... More

The appellant raised two preliminary issues before the matter proceeded into the merits. Firstly that the respondent filed its notice of response out of time and therefore was barred in terms of Rule 19 3(b) of the Labour Court Rules (“the rules”). Secondly that the said notice of response was not properly before the court as it was not made on the proper form LC2 prescribed by the rules. The appellant relied on Rule 19 which deals with failure to file heads of argument instead of Rule 22 that deals with failure to file a notice of response within the... More

This is an appeal against the whole decision of the respondent’s chief executive officer sitting as the internal appeals officer dated 15 December 2023. This appeal is opposed.The appellant was employed by Ilala Lodge (the respondent) as a guest relations officer sometime in 2022. In November 2023 the appellant allegedly received a sum of money from a senior employee that was meant for the tips box. The appellant was subsequently suspended from employment pending a disciplinary hearing which was then held on 28 November 2023. The disciplinary authority found the appellant guilty of corruption and the appellant was dismissed from... More