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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant was dismissed from Respondent’s employ. She noted an appeal with the Chief Executive against the findings of the Disciplinary Authority but her appeal was unsuccessful. More

This is an appeal against the decision of Honourable Arbitrator N A Matongoreni that was handed down on 7 March 2014. More

The brief facts of this matter are that appellant was employed as a tyre fitter. On 30 March 2015 he was found working on a vehicle tightening the tyres with a wrench. He had been forbidden to use the wrench on the nuts. Appellant then appeared before a disciplinary committee charged with contravening Part III of the Unifreight Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure Part 3, 3.5 i.e. More

This is an application for the condonation of late noting of a review application. Applicant claims that he failed to file his review timeously because he had erroneously filed his review a day out of time but had not sought condonation thus resulting in the striking off of his matter. He also states that there were technical glitches that beset his filing the review on time when he filed his appeal on time. He says further delays were occasioned by the respondent’s failure to give him the full record of proceedings on time. He also cites lack of funds as... More

This is an application for leave to appeal against my judgment to the Supreme Court. In that judgment, I found that the applicant who had been absent from work from 14 January 2009 to 23 February 2009 had been absent without leave and reasonable excuse. More