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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The matter was heard before myself on the 6th of May, 2013. The court after an attempted mediation directed the parties to, if possible, settle the matter out of court. In the event that settlement failed the parties were to approach the Registrar for the court to hand down judgment. Both parties through communication to the Court (the Appellant through a letter dated 18th June, 2013 and the Respondent through a letter dated 2 October, 2013) advised of their failure to settle. The parties having failed to settle the matter amicably I now address the merits of the appeal placed... More

The respondent was employed by the appellant as a Debtors Clerk. Her duties included amongst others, the collection of payments from debtors. During the year 2012 appellant suspended respondent on allegations of misconduct. She was subsequently arraigned before a disciplinary authority on 16th January 2013 facing allegations of breach of Sections 4(a) and 4(f) of the National Code i.e. Statutory Instrument 15of 2006. She was subsequently dismissed from employment following her conviction on the charges. Respondent noted an appeal against the determination. The Appeals Authority handed down a decision dismissingthe respondent’s appeal. More

The background of this matter is that on 1 September 2010 the Appellant signed a contract of employment with the respondent. He was employed as the Resident director. He was to direct and supervise company policy on a day to day basis. The respondent’s contract was of unlimited. duration. The respondent was entitled to various benefits some of which were not availed to him until he left service in July 2012. Respondent claims that appellant owed him $277 000,00 being outstanding arrears and benefits. The respondent then referred the labour dispute for conciliation. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of this court that was granted by this court under case number LC/H/12/16. This court dismissed the appeal against the award by Honourable Arbitrator Shawatu that was handed down on 13 June 2015. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee which dismissed the Appellant on grounds of contravening the Respondent’s Code of Conduct. In particular, it was alleged that the Appellant stole timber from her workplace. Facts of the case are that the Appellant was employed by the Respondent Company as a sales person. She is said to have in the first count failed to notify her superiors timeously of the fact that customers’ timber which had been bought from the Respondent had gone missing in transit to the customer. In respect of the second count she was said... More