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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal is provided for in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. More

On 12TH September 2012 this Court made an order by consent in terms of which Respondent was ordered to pay Applicant back-pay and benefits together with damages in lieu of reinstatement. The figures were to be either agreed by the parties or assessed by this Court. The parties failed to agree on the figures resulting in this application for assessment. Both parties filed papers setting out their calculations and submissions. More

Appellant was in respondent’s employ as a stock controller. For a charge under category SUB-STANDARD PERFORMANCE, Appellant was charged with and found guilty of negligence for which a penalty of dismissal was imposed. The basis of the charge was that, on the 1st of July, 2019 while on day shift, appellant dispatched a Bindura bound truck with trailer number 6849 loaded with 18 pallets of Chibuku super yet the recorded out load was 17 pallets of Chibuku super. As a stockcontroller, appellant was supposed to physically check andverify the quantities in each and every truck that comes in and goes... More

The appeal is noted against the determination of the Managing Director dated 21 November, 2012 which determination resulted in appellant’s conviction on the misconduct charges and the imposition of a dismissal penalty with immediate effect. More

This is an application for quantification of damages due to the applicant employees following the dismissal of the appeal by the employer at the Supreme Court. The background to the matter can be summarised as such. The employees lost their jobs with the employer on notice. They queried the termination of their services as they were of the view that the termination was not in sync with the provisions of section 12(4) of the labour Act as amended. They successfully challenged the termination both before the labour officer and before the labour court. The employer took the matter to the... More