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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The three appellants were employed by the respondent in various capacities until 13 November 2014 when they were dismissed following a disciplinary hearing. More

The appellant is a former employee of the respondent. She was employed in 2011 as a claims manager. She resigned on 31 July 2014 giving the requisite 3 months notice on 7 August 2014 the respondent wrote back “accepting” the resignation and tendering cash in lieu of the 3 months notice. All benefits were then withdrawn. More

At the beginning of the hearing I dismissed the points in limine raised by both parties and stated that the reasons would be given in the main judgment. I will therefore proceed to deal with the points in limine in the order they were raised. More

The appellant is a non-profit, non governmental organisation which provides humanitarian relief and it also implements fixed duration rural development projects. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award made in favour of the Respondents. More