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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal by a teacher. It is against the decision of the Civil Service Commission of Zimbabwe wherein it found the appellant guilty of the misconduct of improper association with a pupil and imposed a penalty of dismissal. The appeal is against both conviction and the penalty. More

The respondent raised a point in limine that the grounds of appeal do not raise a question of law as contemplated by Section 98 (10) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] and as defined in the case of Muzuva v United Bottlers (Pvt) Ltd 1994 (1) ZLR 217. The grounds of appeal relied upon by the appellant are as follows:- More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The arbitrator had to determine the following, a) Whether or not there was an employment relationship between the parties; b) Whether or not there was non-payment of salaries, and if so, the quantum thereof; c) Whether or not the complainant was unfairly dismissed; and d) The appropriate remedy More

On the 7th May, 2014, an arbitral award was issued ordering Appellant to pay Respondent (a) Cash in lieu of notice = $891,00 (b) Cash in lieu of days leave = $891,00 (c) Housing allowance February 2009 to July 2012 = $625,00 Total $2 407,00 More