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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In December 2014 both resigned from employment with immediate effect without giving the requisite notice. After resigning, the Respondents lodged a complaint with the Labour Officer claiming non-payment of salaries. Conciliation failed and as a result, the dispute was referred to arbitration. The issues for determination by the Arbitrator were stated as: 1. Were claimants (Respondents) entitled to payment of salary arrears and cash in lieu of leave? 2. Were claimants (Respondents) obliged to give notice. and 3. The appropriate remedy. More

This is an appeal against the arbitral award by Honourable S Nehohwa that was handed down on 7 September 2015. More

The applicant seeks a review of the proceedings and determination of the second Respondent, a Labour Officer based at Chinhoyi Labour Office. The application is opposed by the first respondent. The second respondent filed no response to the application. More

An arbitral award was issued in favour of the respondent in the following terms. More

Appellant (employee) appealed to this Court against her dismissal from employment by Respondent (employer). The appeal was made in terms of section 54 of the Judicial Service Regulations S.I. 30/15. The employer opposed the appeal. More