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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appeal has been lodged against the determination by Respondent’s Appeals Committee handed down on 20 October, 2009 wherein the Appeals Committee confirmed the findings and penalty of dismissal imposed by the Disciplinary Committee. More

This is an appeal against the quantification proceedings held before the Honourable Mlilwana. The brief facts are that the respondent was employed by the appellant. Following disagreements at the workplace, the matter finally ended in arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of respondent and ordered her reinstatement. The respondent later approached the arbitrator for quantification in lieu of reinstatement. The parties appeared before the arbitrator and the arbitrator quantified the damages in lieu of reinstatement in the sum of $4 455-00. The appellant is dissatisfied with this decision and has approached this Court for relief. More

This is an appeal challenging the decision of the Arbitrator that the dismissal of the Appellants was fair. More

This is an appeal againstthe appeals committee’s decision to uphold the decision to find the appellant guilty of two charges in violation of section 4 (b) and 4 (f) of Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006, that is willful disobedience to a lawful order and gross incompetence or inefficiency in the performance of his work. More

Appellant was employed by respondent as a Club Steward. On 2 October 2013, appellant was apprehended carrying some items in his bag by security personnel which allegedly belonged to respondent. Appellant was subsequently suspended and brought before a Hearing Committee. The Committee recommended his dismissal. Appellant approached the Ministry of Labour which office referred the matter to compulsory arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of respondent. More