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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from the respondent’s employ. The arbitrator proceeded on the basis of written submissions as agreed to by the parties. More

This matter came before us as an application for confirmation of the ruling of the applicant in a matter concerning the first respondent and the second respondents being Richard Mwanza and 22 others. On the 24th of July 2015, the first respondent gave Richard Mwanza and 22 others, three months’ notice of intention to terminate contracts of employment between them. In the letters of notice to terminate, the first respondent indicated that the decision had been reached due to the declining company performance. More

Mr Mandevere appeared on behalf of the employer. He submitted that he was raising two preliminary points for determination by the court. The first was that the entity cited in the application and in the hearing is not a legal persona. The second issue was that the order granted by the applicant was not registrable as required in terms of the Act, as amended. I will deal with the first issue. Mr Mandewere argued that the correct employer was the Zimbabwe Power Company which owns ZPC Kariba Football Club. He stated that ZPC Kariba FC did not exist. A reading... More

After hearing the application for confirmation that had been placed before me in terms of Section 93 of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]the court issued an order on 1st of November, 2017 in the following terms; “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The 1st preliminary point is dismissed. 2. The 2nd preliminary point is dismissed. 3. The application for confirmation of draft ruling be and is hereby dismissed. 4. The draft ruling per Sabilika N.O. dated 22nd September, 2016 be and is hereby set aside. 5. There is no order as to costs.” The 2nd Respondent having written to the Registrar... More

This is an application for the confirmation of a ruling which was made by a labour officer in a matter pitting the first respondent employee and the second respondent employer. The law is clear in section 5 of the Labour Amendment Act that once a labour officer has made a ruling in a dispute of right brought before him by the parties he shall within a reasonable time apply to the Labour Court to have his ruling confirmed. This is what the labour officer who is the applicant in the case at hand seeks to achieve. More