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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of an arbitrator sitting at Harare. The sixteen respondents are former employees of the appellant. They were retrenched by the appellant after being placed on some form of leave “garden leave” which placed them “on call” – i.e. they did not go to work but had to be prepared to go to work whenever called upon to do so by the appellant. Consequently they were unable to meaningfully make private arrangements. As a result of this they aver that they are still owed their leave days. Should that be the case they should... More

This is an old matter, an application for review. It is undesirable that a matter should be in the dispute resolution for more than nine (9) months let alone nine years. More

This is an application for review of the quantification of an arbitral award made in favour of the respondents. More

This matter was brought to this court for both appeal and review purposes. However before the matter could be argued a point in limine was raised on behalf of the respondents. It was submitted that the appellant is not properly before the court. It was argued that the appellant did not comply with the award being appealed against. For that reason Mr Marimo who appeared on behalf of the respondents submitted that the appellant is in contempt of court and therefore should not be heard. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s employer which resulted in appellant being dismissed from work following allegations of having received money as payment for blood transfused on a patient yet such blood was obtainable for free at the hospital and for having administered the transfusion without following laid down procedure. The attack is both on the verdict and penalty. Respondent employer is opposed to grant of appellate relief citing the fact that no good case for appeal has been made out by the appellant. More