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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The respondent was employed by the appellant in the capacity of finance manager with effect from 2004. During the course of employment, some contractual benefits were allegedly not paid from as far back as 2006. The respondent lodged a complaint claiming his outstanding salaries and benefits in or about June 2015. When the matter remained unresolved at conciliation, it was referred to arbitration. More

Three points in limine were raised by Respondent challenging Appellant’s grounds of appeal. These were that:- - The grounds of appeal 1, 2 and 3 are not properly before the Court as they are all on questions of fact. - In the grounds of appeal, the parties are not properly set out. - Appellant has approached the Court with dirty hands, as it did not comply with the directive given by the Arbitrator to the effect that he was to proceed with the matter on the merits. More

On 12 March 2015 respondent’s Acting General Manager (AGM) dismissed appellant’s appeal against her dismissal from employment. Appellant then appealed to this court against the decision. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

At the onset of oral argument, Respondent raised 2 points in limine. More

On the 6th November, 2013 Arbitrator Dangarembizi issued the following award: “That the dismissal of the claimant is unlawful and is set aside and the Respondent is hereby ordered to pay damages in United States Dollars for unlawful dismissal, the quantum of which is to be agreed by the parties granting the order, failure of which either party may apply to this Tribunal for quantification More