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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was employed by the respondent on a fixed monthly contract from August 2012 to May 2013 when the contract was not renewed. The appellant filed a complaint with a labour officer that he was engaged as a carcass cutter grade 2 for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe and was being underpaid. The second claim was for payment for overtime worked. The parties failed to agree at conciliation stage and the matter was referred for compulsory arbitration. More

This is a review application against the determination by the Respondent handed down on the 28th of September, 2012 terminating the Appellants contract of employment with immediate effect. The application is opposed. More

This is an appeal against the determination of National Employment Council for the Printing, Packaging & Newspapers Industry Appeals Committee (the NEC Appeals Committee). More

The Respondent was employed by the Appellant as a Freelance Sales Representative with effect from 20 August 2012. The Respondent subsequently received a letter from the Sales and Advertising Manager on 11 March 2013 terminating such employment. The matter was referred to an arbitrator by the National Employment Council of the Printing, Packaging and Newspaper Industry. More

The matter was placed before me as an appeal against the decision of the N E C Appeals Committee. The Appellant is the former employer of the Respondent. More