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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for quantification of damages based on a judgment by Honourable MURASI J. More

On the 25th of July 2013 I granted a chamber application made pursuant to Section 19 (a) of the Labour Court Rules. Counsel for the Respondent requested for the reasons for the granting of the application. These are the reasons. The Respondent being the Appellant in the main matter filed an appeal with this Court on the 23rd of August 2012. A Notice of Response was duly filed with the Registrar on the 5th of October 2012. On the 27th of February 2013 the Applicant filed this Chamber application for the dismissal of the appeal in terms of Rule 19... More

This is an appeal that was filed on 2 December 2013. The background of the matter as given by the Appellants in their heads of argument in that the Appellants were employed by the Respondent in different capacities on different dates within its establishment. More

On 28th March 2014 this Court dismissed an appeal by Applicants having upheld points in limine raised by the Respondent. Applicants allege they were employed by Respondent on different dates. On 15th April 2010 Respondent entered into a franchise agreement in terms of which Applicants were temporarily transferred to Upridge Investments (Pvt) Ltd. Respondent disputed employing all the Applicants. On 30th September 2012 Arbitrator Lucas confirmed that the franchise agreement had been cancelled on 21st March 2012. Applicants alleged that their contracts of employment were terminated through a letter dated 28th January 2013. Respondent on the other hand alleged that... More

This is an application for leave to appeal which is opposed. More