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Court Judgements

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On 2nd August 2012 the NEC for the Tobacco Industry made a determination. It ordered that Respondent pay Appellant an NEC Grade 8 wage. Appellant then appealed to this Court. Respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal are couched in clumsy terms. However it became clear in oral argument that Appellant’s case was that the increment he was awarded by NEC is less than what he is entitled to. More

Appellant was in Respondent’s employ as a Security Guard. The brief allegations that led to his dismissal were that on the 1st June 2011 he reported for night duty at CBZ Bank Arundel Branch (Respondent’s client) while in possession of a cellphone. Possession of a cellphone whilst on duty was strictly prohibited in terms of Respondent’s standing instructions. More

The brief facts are that Appellant was employed by the Respondent as a bus conductor. On 13th December Appellant was a bus conductor on BO11 bus from Harare to Mutare. The conductor cashed in low revenues. As a result investigations were conducted to establish the cause of such low revenues. The ticket book had Bromley tickets and the driver of the bus indicated during the investigations that his first stop was Marondera. Respondent asked for the top copies of the tickets which the Appellant failed to produce. More

Appellant was employed as a Truck driver by J and J transport. On 21 January, 2012, he was instructed to leave the depot at 6:00a.m to proceed with a copper convoy from Harare to Forbes. The Appellant then left the depot with his loaded truck and proceeded to Chitungwiza. Another driver who was supposed to form the convoy with him then rang the Operations manager, Mr Chipenzi and told him that he was alone at the depot and could not see the Appellant, whom he was supposed to form a convoy with. Other arrangements had to be made for that... More

This is an application for rescission of an order made in default by this Court against the applicant.The background is that sometime in 2015, the applicant was charged and dismissed from respondent’s employ for conduct inconsistent with the fulfillment of conditions of his contract and for disobedience of a lawful order. The applicant lost an internal appeal and referred the dispute to a Labour officer and subsequently to an arbitrator. The arbitrator set aside the decision to dismiss the applicant and ordered reinstatement. The respondent was aggrieved and lodged an appeal to the Labour Court under case number LC/H/1946/15. More