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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The court proceeded to deal with this appeal on the record, in terms of section 89 (2)(a)(i) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (“the Act”). More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Committee to uphold the decision of the Disciplinary Committee dismissing appellant from employment. Appellant, who was employed by the respondent was charged and convicted of various acts of misconduct. She was subsequently dismissed from employment. She appealed against the dismissal but was not successful before the Appeals Committee. She then appealed to this court. More

The two grounds of appeal upon which this appeal is based are that:- - The Honourable Arbitrator misdirected himself which misdirection amounts to a point of law in his analysis of the facts thereby dismissing Appellant’s claim for Marker-in 1 grade 5 when Appellant was employed by Respondent as such - The Honourable Arbitrator erred on a point of law in his analysis of the facts by dismissing the Appellant’s claim of the contra preferentem rule which is a trite principle of our law. More

This is an appeal from a determination of the Designated Agent G. Mutsvairo(National Employment Council for the Tobacco Industry) which determination was handed down on 19 August, 2021. More

The appellant was dismissed from the respondent’s employ following disciplinary proceedings. The initial hearing acquitted her of wrong doing. The employer was aggrieved by the outcome. It appeared internally and the appeal was successful. This led to her being convicted. She was penalized with dismissal. She was aggrieved by that outcome and appeals to this court on the following grounds. “1. The finding that appellant used a voucher which did not indicate how payment was done, arrival and departure times, what room was booked into was wrong. … 2. The finding by the appeals committee was wrong in that it... More