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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against Respondent’s decision to dismiss the appellant. More

The matter initially came before the Labour Court for the confirmation of a draft ruling. The Court dismissed that application on the basis that the applicant had exceeded his jurisdiction. He had decided the issue that had been referred to him and after that, he had created another issue and decided the case on the basis of that issue which was not properly before him. The Court found that it was irregular. As a result, the Court declined to confirm the draft ruling. This was in 2021. More

This appeal centres mainly on the issue whether the Arbitrator was correct in holding that the Labour Officer and consequently the Arbitrator had jurisdiction to hear and determine this matter. Appellant’s case on the one hand was that the dispute between it and Respondent was a commercial one over which the Labour Officer had no jurisdiction whilst Respondent’s case on the other hand was that the dispute was a labour dispute over which the Labour Officer had jurisdiction. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for upliftment of the bar operating against the Applicant by virtue of its failure to file Heads of Argument. More

Respondent was in the employ of the appellant. Respondent was caught sleeping on duty and cautioned by appellant’s senior employee. He was caught in the act again on the same day and was hauled before a disciplinary committee which recommended his dismissal. The internal appeals authority upheld the penalty and the matter finally ended up with the arbitrator. The arbitrator was of the view that the penalty of dismissal was too harsh and substituted it with a Final Written Warning valid for twelve (12) months. Respondent was to be reinstated without loss of pay and benefits. Appellant is dissatisfied with... More