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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The respondent was employed as a clerk by the appellant. In or around 2005 to 2006 the respondent was charged by the appellant for failure to obey a lawful instruction in that the appellant had been transferred from Penhalonga to Mutasa Rural District Council but had not reported for duty. This led to her dismissal. Aggrieved by the dismissal, the respondent approached a labour officer for conciliation. More

This is an application for confirmation of the Ruling by the Labour Officer Ms N.C. Mutiba. In the ruling that was handed down on 21st May 2019 the 2nd Respondents were acquitted of the misconduct charges. The 1st Respondent was ordered to reinstate the 2nd Respondent without loss of salary and benefits or to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent initially as a book-keeper. He was dismissed from employment on 25 July 2014. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the local government board which set aside the respondent employee’s guilty verdict and dismissal penalty and reinstated her to her original position within Mvurwi Town Councils. This decision was arrived at after Mvurwi Council had sought Local Government’s ratification of the decision to dismiss the employee following allegations of misconduct against her. More

On 5 December 2023 this Court issued an order striking out the respondents opposing papers and ordered that the appeal should proceed as an unopposed matter. Following that order, the appeal was subsequently allowed and the decision of the designated agent which had been appealed against was set aside. The appellant was to be reinstated or paid damages in lieu of reinstatement. This subsequent order was issued on 6 December 2023. The then responded now seeks to challenge the order of the 6th of December2023 in this application for condonation and rescission of judgment. More