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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
According to the applicant’s founding affidavit this is an application to bar the respondent from conducting an internal disciplinary hearing against her. In addition the applicant seeks an order to have the disciplinary hearing conducted before an independent body. The facts giving rise to the application are common cause. The applicant is employed by the respondent as an Environmental Health Inspector. In 2008 she was charged for being absent from duty where she was subsequently dismissed from employment in 2009. The applicant appealed against the decision to dismiss her. An arbitral award was issued in 2010 in her favour. In... More

On 19th July 2012 the NEC for the Chemicals and Fertilizers Manufacturing Industry made a determination. In terms of thereof, the NEC upheld the dismissal of Appellant by Respondent from its employ. Appellant then appealed to this Court. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to this court against the judgment of this court that was handed down on 10 July 2015. In its judgment this court upheld the decision of Honourable Arbitrator Grurupira that was issued on 15 August 2014. More

This is an application for review of and appeal against the decision of the Designated Authority dated 17 July 2013. Applicant who had been employed by respondent was charged with theft. He appeared before a disciplinary authority and was found guilty. A penalty of dismissal was meted on him. Applicant then appealed to the Designated Authority who dismissed his appeal. Aggrieved, applicant then made the present application on 20 June 2013 More

This is an application in terms of Section 92E (3) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] for suspension and stay of execution of an arbitral award in favour of the Respondent. The award was made on the 29 July 2012. Applicant was ordered to pay within twenty one working days a total of USD20 310 to Respondent being outstanding benefits as at date of termination of employment. More