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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against both an arbitral award reinstating respondent to the appellant’s employ and a subsequent quantification of damages. The respondent was employed by the appellant as a security officer. More

Applicant’s sole ground for review is worded as follows, “The NEC Appeals Board misdirected itself in failing to deal with the two appeals separately, as directed by the order of the Labour Court dated 20 October 2011. By lumping the two appeals the NEC Appeals Board acted unprocedurally and in defiance of the order of the Labour Court.” More

This matter was set down so that a review application filed on behalf of the applicant could be heard. At the commencement of the hearing the legal practitioner on behalf of the respondent stood up to address the Court. The nature of the application was not immediately articulated in order for the Court to appreciate it. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for review. At the end of the hearing the application was dismissed. Reasons were to follow. These are they. In order for the application to succeed the court considers, among other things the following factors, namely, 1) the extend of the delay; 2) the explanation for the delay; and 3) Prospects of success should the matter be heard on the merits. More

The matter was set down in terms of rule 19(3)(a) of this court’s rules. At the time the appeal was filed Appellant was represented by Messrs Laita and Partners Legal Practitioners. Such Legal Practitioners were enjoined to file Appellant’s heads of argument upon receipt of a notice of response from the Respondent. They failed to do so. A notice of set down was sent to Appellant lawyers advising them of that day’s hearing. Appellant also confirmed that he informed his lawyers of record of the set down date. The lawyers informed Appellant that there would no longer be representing him... More