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Appellant’s grounds of appeal as captured in the notice of appeal are that:- - the National Employment Council Appeals Committee (NAC) grossly erred and misdirected herself on the facts and the law, such gross misdirection amounting to an error in terms of the law by setting aside the dismissal of the Respondent on alleged grounds of procedural defects when it was clear that the Respondent had a case to answer. More

Appellant’s grounds of appeal were four-fold and read as follows, “1. The Code of Conduct used by the company to dismiss the Appellant is not registered with the NEC and therefore is inconsistent with the National Code or Labour Relations Act [Chapter 28:01]. 2. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee misdirected itself on the facts and law. 3. The same committee’s hearing was motivated by bias. 4. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee conducted its proceedings in an irregular manner.” More

This is an appeal against the decision of Respondent’s Final Appeals Committee which upheld the tribunals aquo (Appeals Committee and Disciplinary Committee) verdict of guilty and penalty of dismissal imposed on the Appellant. More

In a judgment LC/H/60/20 I dismissed applicant’s appeal in its entirety. Aggrieved, applicant filed the current application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. On the date of hearing of this application, applicant made an oral application for the removal of the bar operating against him for failure to file timeously his heads of argument as required in terms of Rule 26(1) of this Court’s Rules S.I. 150 of 2017. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent’s General Manager who upheld the Appellant’s dismissal following a disciplinary hearing where Appellant was found guilty of unlawfully disobeying a lawful order and gross inefficiency in performance of his work in breach of the Respondent’s Code of Conduct. More