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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The matter was placed before me as an appeal conjoined with an application for review. Both matters were opposed. The brief background to the matter is as follows: The Appellant was employed by the Respondent as the General Manager of Z.T.S. On the 15th of September, 2010 he attended an Executive Management meeting chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of the Respondent, one DrMafoti. The Appellant was alleged to have committed acts of insubordination and disrespectful conduct towards DrMafoti. The Appellant however initiated a grievance procedure under Part 5 of the SIRDC Code of Conduct on 22 September 2010. The... More

Appellant was employed by the respondent as a controller. It was alleged that the appellant had negligently performed his duties and charges of misconduct were brought against him. He was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty and dismissed him from employment. Appellant lodged his appeal in terms of the Code of Conduct. On the date the matter was scheduled to be heard, appellant raised technical issues at the commencement of the proceedings and walked out of the proceedings. The Appeals Committee proceeded to determine the matter and upheld the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. Appellant is dissatisfied... More

This is an application for condonation for late noting of appeal. The facts of the matter are as follows. The applicant was employed by the respondent. The applicant, together with other employees were charged with misconduct it being alleged that they stole from the respondent and absented themselves from work. The applicant was initially acquitted on the theft charge but was convicted on the charge of absenteeism. The applicant pleaded guilty to the charge of absenteeism. An appeal to the appeals officer resulted in the applicant being found guilty on the theft charge and he was dismissed from employment. The... More

This is an opposed application for condonation for late noting of an appeal. More

The applicants were employed by the respondent in different capacities. The applicants raised a grievance claiming they were being underpaid and nonpayment of shift allowances. The matter was subsequently referred to an arbitrator Honourable Chavura. The arbitral award, whose interpretation is the basis of this application was made in the following terms “… I order that they (applicants) be paid the balance of their wages and the outstanding shift allowances, plus interest of 30% per annum. The union should assist the employer in calculating the outstanding wages and allowances …” More