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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant applied to this Court for the review of her retrenchment by 1st Respondent. The gist of her case is set out in the Founding Affidavit as follows “7. 1st Respondent unlawful referred her proposed retrenchment to 2nd Respondent whereas the Labour Court provides that the proposed package was supposed to be referred to, the National Employment for Electronics Communications and Allied Industry which is the Employment Council for 1st Respondent 8. 2nd Respondent failed to realise that it had no jurisdiction to confirm the proposed retrenchment package because 1st Respondent had a functional National Employment Council. 11. The 2nd... More

This is an appeal against a decision of the respondent’s Appeals Committee which confirmed a guilty verdict against appellant. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against this Court’s judgment of the 14th December 2012. Appeals to the Supreme Court against decisions of the Labour Court are on a question of law. This is provided for in Section 92F (1) of the Labour Act [CAP 28:01] of the (The Act). More

By a letter dated the 3rd of February 2010, Appellant was placed on suspension with effect from the 4th of February 2010. As contained in the letter Appellant was suspected of having committed an act of misconduct in terms of paragraphs 5,8,13(b)(c) and 24 of the First Schedule of the Public Service Regulations SI 1 of 2000 (the Regulations). More

This is an appeal against the determination of the Appeals Committee which upheld the decision of the Disciplinary Hearing Committee to dismiss him from employment. More