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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a determination of a point in limine which was initially dismissed by this court.It is being determined for the second time following an order of the Supreme Court.It is therefore necessary to go through the various stages leading to the present position.The present determination is done on the basis of the papers as agreed to by the parties. More

Applicant has filed an Urgent Chamber Application for contempt of Court in terms of Rule 35 of the Labour Court Rules. This Honourable Court made a judgment under Case No. LC/H/484/12 and ordered Respondent to hear Appellant’s appeal. More

The appeal is lodged as against the determination by the Respondent disciplinary authority/committee handed down on 24 August, 2010, finding the Appellant guilty of “Gross negligence” (Section 2.3 of Collective Bargaining Agreement: Transport Operating Industry Statutory Instrument 94 of 95 and consequently imposing a dismissal penalty. More

An order dismissing this appeal with costs was made with reasons to follow. These are they. This is an appeal against the decision of the respondents’ disciplinary authority dismissing the appellant from their employ. The dismissal was pursuant to the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings which were conducted against him. He was disciplined for: “(i) Improper performance of duty …;” and (ii) Any act or omission which is consistent with or prejudicial to the discharge of official duties including abuse of authority.” This were violations of paragraphs 2 and 24 respectively of the first Schedule of the Public Service Regulations Statutory,... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator where he ruled that the appellant employee had been rightly found guilty of theft and dismissed from employment. Facts of the matter are that appellant who was in the respondent’s employ was sent to bank respondent’s cash. He was however handed back R10000 of the money he had taken to the bank. The teller however recorded that the full amount of R32000 had been banked yet R10000 had gotten back to appellant. More