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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant appeals against an order granting him damages made in the following terms 1. Back pay $508.50 2. Vacation leave $254.25 3. Damages in lieu of reinstatement $3 051.00 In his grounds of appeal the appellant impugns the arbitral award in his determinationof back pay, failure to award transport allowance, cash in lieu of leave and that since the respondent was not in attendance at the hearing his claim should have been granted in toto. Technically it was unopposed. More

This is an Urgent Chamber Application for Stay of Execution of an arbitral award granted by Honourable P. Chawira on 12th February 2014. In terms of the award, the Applicant was ordered to pay an amount of US$3 500.00 as terminal benefits to the Respondent. The Respondent proceeded to have the arbitral award registered with the Magistrates Court under case No. 3338/14, for purposes of enforcement. In pursuance of such enforcement, a Notice of Attachment in Execution was issued on 4th July 2014, in terms whereof various goods belonging to the Applicant were placed under judicial attachment, pending removal on... More

The appellant is appealing against the decision of Honourable Arbitrator T.C. Sengwe that was handed down on 18 September 2015. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent officer reprimanding appellant employer for 6 months with effect from 15 February 2021. This was at the backdrop of her having been charged and tried on allegations of incompetent or inefficient conduct of her duties in contravention of section (4)(f) of the Model Code. More

This matter was set down as an application for condonation for late filing of an appeal. In response to the application the respondent employer raised with the court points in limine which points are the subject matter of this judgment. The employer took 3 points that is (1) application was not served on time (2) Answering affidavit was improperly before the court (3) Applicant was bared for failure to file heads of argument. In the result the employer prayed that the application for condonation be struck off the roll with costs on the basis of the points raised above. More